Here's a recent pic of Roger the duck. It's certain she is a girl...she quacks loudly and apparently boy ducks are very quiet and don't really quack.

There's been a troubling development recently...Red chicken is pecking at Roger's eye! (you can see it a little in the above pic.) She managed to mangle her eyelid pretty well, and it's now ragged but still functional. The eye is still there, which, according to many duck/chicken websites, is very fortunate! I couldn't imagine finding my duck with an eye missing, but that's pretty common! Ugh! I've been trying to keep them separated, keeping the duck in the yard all day while the chicks are in the pen, but the duck likes company...she really does! She sits next to the fence by the chickens pen! I put her in the coop at night, but recently I've found myself up at 530/6am with the sun, worried about the duck getting pecked, so I get up and let her out along with the rest of them...and then I'm up. WOW! It's really been messing with me. I need to sleep in!
That method seems to be working, though. She's in the yard happily foraging around, and I'm able to give her garlic in her water to help with the healing of her eyelid. Oh, I must note here that ducks have multiple eyelids. At least 2 that I've that goes up and down on the outside- that's the one that's damaged; and one that goes sideways and is clear so they can see underwater. It's so weird when she blinks that one when I'm looking at her damaged lid! So cool! I want one!
Brett and I have talked about putting a muzzle on Red but I'm more a fan of duck goggles. If anyone knows where I can get them, or maybe one of those little hats with goggles attached. Like this...but custom made, 'cause duck's eyes are on the side of their head...If you know anyone who could make that, let me know!