Friday, July 23, 2010

Air Travel 2010 - part 1

Things I'm grateful for today -

The view from a plane...That is the BEST part of flying- the view! You can’t get this view from anywhere else, except maybe google maps satellite images. That view is worth all nervousness I get from flying! I can see the clouds from the top…I get the 3-D version of them! A puffy white landscape, big white mountains! It’s fantastic! I love it!

Air conditioned airports...It's like 100 degrees outside!

Nice fellow's amazing how things like people talking on cell phones in public becomes acceptable when you're stuck in an airport for HOURS! I'm sitting in a bar, at a high table with a bench seat on one side and chairs on the other. Usually you'd be horrified to bring a large purse or briefcase into a place like this but they really accommodate travelers here. There is luggage everywhere, most people are single travelers and we are all packed into these tables...4 tops...and doing a variety of things, like talking on the phone, blogging, surfing the web, texting, drinking beer, eating dinner, having conversations, more phone calls. And it's all fine, we're all in a zone, together, but separate. I had to use the restroom and a total stranger offered to watch my stuff...first time I'd been with out my 20# bag since 3am! and I was so grateful! Nice Fellow travelers!

Friends...especially those who can tell you "you need to calm down, deal with what has happened and figure out how to fix it" when you're having a melt down and feeling sorry for yourself. Thanks Cindy!!!

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