Woke up late, thinking about how long I’ve been unemployed, it allows me to sleep in and not worry about what I’ll do with myself…I just get through the day, not that its bad I’m really enjoying myself for the most part. Sure I don’t have a place to be outside of my house but I have my house, my husband, my computer and I stay connected. I’m involved with the farm and Bioneers, an environmental group, and I have a lot of friends and contacts, and I am happy really happy. I can’t explain it. I guess many people get their self worth from a job, what they do is who they are, I’ve never had that problem when I have a job I am fully engaged, loyal, dedicated but I’ve changed direction quite a few times in my life and I’m sure I will again, so this brief, ok lengthy, hiatus has been really eye-opening! I don’t have a lot of cash but I don’t really need anything. I’ve got a warm house, I had food from the farm work I did all summer, and now I have food I put away that we are eating…tomatoes, peaches, lots of jams, celery, pesto, and assorted squash, beans, peas and still getting carrots from the farm, at least we were until 3 feet of snow blocked the doors of the greenhouse! So, I don’t need food, house is paid for, and the utilities are covered by Brett for the most part. I don’t like that sentence and I want to delete it but this exercise won’t let me…drat! I made a nice breakfast of potatoes, turkey bacon and eggs – oh yea! I have 5 chickens that give us plenty of protein! - And then took him to work at 1pm, spent a couple hours on the computer there, reading about food issues, the missing Pittsburgh mayor (he’s been found :() and checking email, then I went to the gym where I did 4 different cardio sessions and the weight circuit…first time in 3 weeks! What a slacker! While at the gym I was reading a magazine I picked up a few days ago called ODE, the cover has a woman holding a pile of dirt and the heading is “the joy of dirt” so I had to have it. Interesting mag, only read about 10 pages but lots of interesting info. That’s where I got the idea for this exercise (http://ilikezen.com/)…since I already committed to writing everyday, this is perfect! Just sit down and write every word that comes into my head…well, almost every one! So this is what I’ll do. I think I’ll start every morning, before Brett gets up, but after I’ve had some coffee!
Oh, I just remembered something I wanted to mention. Why do people suck? Ok, it’s not worth getting into, but I’m so sick of people being idiots in the snow, bullying other cars when there’s only one car width cleared, so someone has to back up all the way down the street, and trucks that can clearly get through deeper snow won’t park off the road…right in the road. And with Jamaican accents! ARGH! Ok, see why it wasn’t worth mentioning?!?!
I’ve now been at this for more than 10 minutes so I should close. I’m going to write a list of topics that I want to cover in the future, and I’ll post that tomorrow. G’night!
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