Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy as a Clam?

Are clams really happy? I mean, what do they have to be so happy about. Lobsters taste good, they should be happy, but I guess their lives are pretty stressful…I’ve seen them in the ocean and they’re pretty skiddish…backing into their hole at the bottom of the sea when we’re just lookin’ at them! Clams have that hard shell, so maybe they just appear happy. No one can see them and we think they’re all content sitting there in their shells. But I guess that’s one reason to be happy, they’re safe. There are few incidental predators that can attack them. They’re pretty secure, and they see tragedy all day with other creatures getting eaten right n front of them. Like little fish and shrimp, even sea urchins with their big spines get eaten. The clam just sits there, filtering out his food from the sea water that floats by. But then again, they aren't so happy when the sea otter comes by. Or if they’re in a tide pool and a raccoon grabs them! Who’s happy then? Not the clam!

I was just thinking, of course, that I’m happy as a clam. I’m very content with life. Not sure how I’ve made it through this year + being unemployed (oh, yea, unemployment benefits!) but I have and I’m not stressed. Today I was offered a job, just for 5 weeks, but it’s something I really love to do, so I took it. Doesn’t start until April 16th, so I’ll still be able to get some stuff done that I wanted to before I go back to work. The list was made back in October 2008 when I first was officially with out a job. I can’t let the second winter being unemployed go by without finishing that list. And since there are only 20 days left, I better get on it! I’ll update, I promise.

Oh, as for the gap in postings, I was a resolution, and as most resolutions go, I broke it. Sue me!

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